Omega 3 Enriched EOs – Zongle Therapeutics

Omega 3 Enriched EOs

Posted by Zongle Therapeutics on

Oh Fish! 🐡 

They said, when they heard that seafood is an essential part of one's diet. It can help you get nutrition in abundance, be it in the form of Vitamins or Omega-3 Fatty Acids. It helps in boosting brain activity 🧠 and bolstering cognition 💭, promoting heart health, and even helps in keeping depression at bay 🥳 

But hold on to that thought there my friend, as there's more to it. Research also suggests that people who consume more seafood, fish to be specific can have a better sex life.  

And for women trying to conceive, it may also help in boosting levels of progesterone! 

This research study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health analyzed 500 couples and their eating habits and concluded 92% of people who ate fish and shellfish twice a week were successful at conceiving by the end of the year.  

Well the study itself was narrowed to couples and so may not apply to people who're single as it involved the partners to be together, to eat together, to grow stronger together and so that may lead to certain level of enhanced intimacy, but the widely held research on the subject does suggest that people with high intake of Omega 3 Fatty Acids found in fish have better semen and strong embryo which ultimately helps and increases the chances of healthy ovulation. 

Getting how all of this is intertwined?  

The point to ponder here is that both the male and female's diet matters equally when it comes to bracing the fertility benefit.  

Another study conducted in Greece found 250 women who had a Mediterranean diet which involves more seafood, olive oil, vegetables and fruits increased chances of having a successful IVF treatment. Isn't that an interesting fact? 

But why is that even included in an Essential Oil feed? Cause 🧐👇 

  1. It's organic 
  2. You can get Omega 3 from certain Essential Oils as well* 
  3. Even if you're someone who's not up for the whole pregnancy thing it's still a legit and healthy source of nutrition that you'll want to include in your diet for healthy hair, skin, nails, teeth, immunity and what not. 

️*This doesn't in any way mean to cut on your seafood consumption and rely solely on Essential Oil supplements. Supplements may help in maintaining the levels of healthy Omega 3 fatty Acids in your body along with a healthy diet and active lifestyle. So when you take 2 Organic routes to a healthy life, it automatically multiplies your chances of being healthy. 

For your convenience we've listed our favorite Top Essential Oil Supplements below that are: 




Omega 3 Enriched EOs

So, is your diet rich in Omega? 🧐  

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